Smile Point Dental

860 S. 11th St Ste 101, Beaumont, TX 77701


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How to correct deep bite with braces?

Having a beautiful smile is your greatest asset. The ability to smile has not only been shown to boost confidence and facilitate communication with others but has also been linked to lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of heart disease. The condition and appearance of one’s teeth, such as that caused by a deep bite, can lead to a lack of confidence in one’s smile. This blog discusses correcting deep bites with braces and how you can reap the benefits of a life-changing smile. 

Deep bite: what is it?
An excessive vertical overlap between the front teeth is defined as a deep bite in dentistry. This is termed malocclusion in the dental profession. It occurs when the back teeth are lost or when the teeth and jaw are misaligned, but it can also be the result of gum disease (gingivitis), worn, broken teeth, or periodontal disease (gum disease).

The deep bite can be caused by genetics, tooth crowding, worn or decayed teeth, poorly done dental work, and missing teeth, particularly the back teeth. It can worsen a bite by lip biting, nail-biting, thumb sucking, or teeth grinding, among other behaviors.

The average healthy overbite is between 1 and 2 millimeters. When upper front teeth are overlapped over lower front teeth, this is a deep bite. In extreme cases, a deeper bite can damage the roof of the mouth’s gums behind the upper teeth, causing excessive tooth wear. The result could be the premature loss of front teeth.

What are the chances of braces fixing a deep bite?
It is, fortunately, possible to correct a deep bite with several effective orthodontic treatment options utilizing different braces. Correcting a deep bite is usually the best treatment for younger patients, as it improves the function of your teeth, reduces tooth wear, helps keep your teeth healthy, and improves your self-confidence.

In addition, restorative treatment may be needed in older patients or who have significant tooth wear or a missing or broken down tooth. A multidisciplinary approach to treating deep bites is often necessary, involving both orthodontics and restorative dentistry.

What is the effectiveness of braces alone in fixing an overbite? 
Orthodontic treatment may not be sufficient for an adult with severe skeletal overbite and jaw problems, and surgery may be required. When braces are used in conjunction with other treatments, such as surgery or tooth extractions, they are ineffective. A dentist or orthodontic specialist conducts extractions on patients referred by an orthodontist.   

A growing jaw can assist braces in moving the jaw into the correct position, which reduces the need for surgery in children and teenagers.

When children have crowded teeth in small jaws, a palate expander may be used to expand their mouth to accommodate the teeth. Larger jaws make it easier for braces to move teeth into place, meaning teeth can be left in their natural positions without being removed.

If you are not satisfied with your smile even for 1%, you owe it to yourself to make it better. Get the best possible treatment for your deep bites by consulting the dentists. 

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!