Smile Point Dental

860 S. 11th St Ste 101, Beaumont, TX 77701


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Are You Grinding Your Teeth at Night? – Part 3

We’ve been looking at bruxism, or teeth grinding. When you suffer from bruxism, you grind your teeth together. Some people do it when they’re stressed, but a majority of people do it when they sleep. As a result, they don’t think they grind their teeth, and it’s up to the symptoms to prove what is going on. We’ve been looking at symptoms of bruxism. In our last blog, we looked at jaw tightness and pain, headaches, and torn up inner cheeks. Today, we have four last signs that you’re grinding your teeth at night.

Teeth Are Worn Down
This is an obvious result of grinding your teeth, and it’s dangerous in the long run. Your teeth can stand up to a lot, but when you wear them down prematurely, you’re setting yourself up for issues later.

Worn Tooth Enamel
This is part of the tooth wearing process, and it’s what makes it so dangerous. When the clear, tough layer called enamel gets worn off of your teeth, there’s no more defenses against bacteria, and your teeth will quickly deteriorate.

Tired Jaw Muscles
If your jaw gets tired during breakfast, there’s a good chance you’re grinding your teeth at night. If you have a partner, we recommend you ask if they have heard you grinding your teeth. It’s usually loud enough to hear.

Smilepoint Dental is proud to be Beaumont’s premier dentist office. Whether you need cosmetic services or a root canal, we will give you what you need with excellence. Contact us today!

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