Smile Point Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Is Veneer good for me?

A Veneer is an aesthetic solution for slight teeth disfigurations such as a chip, blemishes, staining, and so forth. Veneers are attached over the contorted tooth to give an impression of seamlessness and perfection. They are the perfect options if you want to enhance the look of your teeth without undergoing any long-term dental procedure.

A Veneer is a fragile shell or layer of tooth-coloured material that is either porcelain or composite. Veneers are not permanent answers to damaged teeth; they merely cover the visible faults.

Veers are not a permanent solution to your damaged teeth; they will cover the imperfections. A Veneer is moulded in such a way that it fits your tooth, and then it is attached to the tooth’s front with the objective of beautification. The life span of Veneers ranges from 7 to 15 years. The average cost of a Veneer is around USD 1000 to 2000.

Veneers are used most often on:

  • Teeth that are discoloured 
  • Chipped or broken teeth
  • Irregularly shaped teeth
  • Teeth with gaps

Types of Veneers

  • Porcelain Veneers- These are the costliest among all types of Veneers but the best-looking. Porcelain Veneers fit the size and shape of the original tooth. They are attached to the tooth by UV light or by using special cement.
  • Composite Veneers- They are commonly used to correct minor chips in teeth or gaps between teeth. They are less expensive than porcelain Veneer but have less durability. 
  • Instant Veneers- These are a quick option as they are ready-made and can be applied during the same day as the dental appointment. Instant Veneers are affordable, but as they are pre-made, they cannot seamlessly match the shape and size of your natural teeth. 
  • Removable Veneers- They are the latest inclusion within the Veneer family and are a hybrid of porcelain and instant Veneers. Removable Veneers are customized to match your teeth, but as the name suggests, they are removable. They are the least expensive type of veneers but are a very short-term fix for dental deformities.

Merits of using Veneers

The most apparent advantage of Veneers is a boost in self-esteem as they result in a flawless smile. They are seamless and perfectly fit the size and shape of the original tooth. Moreover, you can also choose the colour of the Veneer. After the Veneer is attached to your tooth, no extra maintenance or care is mandated. All you need to do is brush regularly and floss like usual. 

The demerits of using Veneer

Veneers don’t change colour once made. So, while the rest of your teeth will organically change with time, the Veneer will not, thereby leading to an uncanny appearance. However, with regular dental visits, you can swerve this issue. 

As porcelain is fragile, Veneers are susceptible to chipping and cracking. They are not advisable for people with habits like nail-biting, gnashing, etc. 

A tooth can decay while being under the Veneer, causing damage to the crowns and root canals.

We can say that Veneers are safe to use, but you should avoid them if the person has a history of weak enamel, gum disease and the like.

In case of discomfort in teeth or gums, please visit your nearest dentist.

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