Smile Point Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

How Dentures Work

When compared with other restorations, dentures prove to be extremely comfortable. There is no comparison in the way different types of restoration work because each of them is designed keeping the requirements in mind. Losing a tooth turns out to be extremely painful and embarrassing too. Dentures that are introduced as a lifesaver fit well to your mouth and come in different varieties of styles.

Structure and Design
The structure of dentures consists of a set of artificial teeth attached to a base which is gum colored. They have been used for a long time to replace missing, lost or damaged teeth. Dentures have turned out to be extremely usable, durable, attractive and functional as compared to the ones in the past.

Full denture replaces an entire row of missing teeth in the bottom or top of the mouth. Partial denture fits well with the surrounding natural teeth.

No matter which type of denture you choose for yourself, there are a lot of key benefits that come with each of them.

Dentures Boost Confidence in Your Looks
They say first impressions count. Patients with missing teeth feel stressed about meeting or hanging out. Having gaps in your teeth not only lessen self-esteem but also drains confidence. However, if you have your dentures fit well and securely, you will get your confidence back with a beautiful smile.

Dentures Improve Speech
A noticeable change in speech is observed with missing teeth which is very common. This happens because there are certain word-sound that require the tongue to press against the teeth. Dentures fill the gap and allow you to sound better like before.

Dentures Allow You to Eat Your Favorite Food With No Restrictions
The loss in teeth can severely impact your ability to eat your favorite food. There are several food types that you cannot eat with a lost or damaged tooth, but having dentures worn properly gives you the freedom to eat anything of your choice.

Dentures Are Effective in the Long Run Dentures are designed to last a long time. A set of dentures can last for 5-10 years, depending on the way they are handled. They also allow you to get back your normal smile.

Get in touch with our dentists today to discuss full and partial dentures today. They will be happy to help you enjoy your beautiful smile.

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