Smile Point Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Are Braces Better Than Invisalign?

Invisalign has proved its efficiency in shaping millions of smiles over a decade. It has offered dental patients with multiple treatment options that are far superior in function and effectiveness. Compared to traditional braces, Invisalign gives patients the option to wear braces discretely as they are meant to be invisible. Invisalign makes use of aligner trays to move teeth subtly and gradually.

When it comes to comparing the two of them, Invisalign offers multiple benefits that work better for patients.

The most reckoned reason for choosing Invisalign over traditional braces is that they are aesthetically pleasing. With traditional braces, everyone can see your braces which leads to embarrassing situations at one point of time. Wearing wire braces can greatly impact your daily life, however, with Invisalign, it’s entirely a different story. Invisalign can straighten your teeth without putting you in a shameful situation in front of others.

With no food restrictions into the picture, Invisalign allows you to eat and enjoy whatever you want. If we talk about traditional braces, there are some food particles that can stick to the apparatus. Food that is hard to chew can damage the wires. Invisalign allows you to remove the plastic trays when you eat, so there is no fear that you may get anything stuck to the trays.

Since Invisalign is designed with soft plastic trays, the comfort factor is much higher as compared to traditional braces. Wire braces snag in the mouth and damage the tissues in cheeks and lips. This can be painful down the line. Invisalign requires less pressure in the trays than wire braces which makes it a comfortable option.

Traditional wire braces cannot be removed and patients wearing them are more susceptible to tooth decay and damage. This lack of oral hygiene also leads to root resorption (loss of dentin or cementum to absorption). Since wire braces are irremovable, it prevents our dentist to take proper x-rays. However, with Invisalign, you can take the trays out during x-rays. Invisalign allows you to maintain proper hygiene and prevent damage.

Going forward, we can clearly see how Invisalign has modified smiles for people. With less hassle, no damage and better oral health, Invisalign turn out to be a safe yet promising option that helps to get rid of overbite, underbite, crooked or misaligned teeth.

For more information, get in touch with one of our dentists to assess which treatment option will work best for you.

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