Smile Point Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Expert Tips on Caring For Invisalign Clear Aligners

Straightening teeth using Invisalign transparent aligners is now a more convenient and less noticeable option than ever before. These translucent plastic aligners can be taken out for eating, brushing, and flossing. Proper care and maintenance are required to keep your Invisalign aligners clear and functional during your orthodontic treatment. In this post, we’ll provide some of our best advice for maintaining the health and beauty of your smile while wearing Invisalign clear aligners.

Expert Tips on Caring For Invisalign Clear Aligners

Maintaining a regular routine of cleaning your aligners and teeth every day while undergoing Invisalign treatment is essential. 

  • Keep your aligners clean daily to avoid the accumulation of bacteria and plaque. 
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush dipped in clear, antibacterial soap or mild Invisalign cleaning crystals to brush your aligners gently. Soaps and toothpaste with bright colors can damage your aligners and draw unwanted attention to them.
  • The option to remove Invisalign aligners before eating or drinking is a major benefit. 
  • You can eat whatever you choose without worrying about ruining or breaking the aligners. Remember to clean your teeth and rinse off the aligners before re-inserting them after each meal.

How to Protect Aligners?

  • Invisalign aligners are made of plastic that can become warped if exposed to high heat. It would be best if you didn’t wash your aligners in hot water or leave them in a hot car because doing so can warp the plastic. When cleaning your aligners, use only lukewarm water.
  • When you remove your aligners, rinse them with water and dry them properly before putting them back in their case. The aligners can stay clean and fresh thanks to removing saliva and microorganisms.
  • Don’t forget to put your aligners away in their case when you’re not wearing them. The risk of loss or harm increases if you leave them unprotected. Don’t risk having them thrown away by putting them in a serviette or tissue.
  • Avoid chewing gum while wearing aligners because doing so might cause the devices to become stuck to your gums and warp out of shape. If you wear aligners, you should take them out before eating gum or anything sticky.
  • Wear your Invisalign aligners for the recommended 20-22 hours daily for the best results. Your treatment will be more effective if you are consistent with it. It would help if you only took out your aligners to eat, drink (other than water), brush, and floss.
  • To ensure that your aligners are seated properly and provide a secure fit around your teeth, utilize aligner chewies, which are soft foam cylinders. Chewing on the chewies softly for a few minutes after inserting the aligners might assist in moving the teeth into their proper positions.

Keep up with your biannual cleanings and exams:

Even using Invisalign, you must visit the dentist twice a year. Your dentist will check in on you periodically to ensure you’re doing okay and make any necessary adjustments to your care plan.

It would help if you didn’t Move On to the Next Group of Aligners. For each set of aligners, adhere to your dentist’s instructions. It would help if you didn’t move on to the next stage of medications without first talking to your doctor about it.

Keep your aligners out of the reach of pets, especially dogs, as they may be drawn to the taste or smell of them. If you don’t want your pet chewing on or eating them by accident, put them safely out of reach.


Maintaining the clarity and performance of your Invisalign clear aligners throughout your orthodontic treatment depends on your diligent attention to their maintenance. Experts agree that for the best effects, you should clean your teeth every day, keep them in a safe place, and wear them consistently. Feel free to ask your dentist or orthodontist anything you want to know about taking care of your Invisalign aligners. You may have the beautiful, straight teeth and self-assured grin you’ve always wanted with Invisalign if you follow the instructions and take good care of your teeth.