Smile Point Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Your Child and the Dentist – Part 1

Taking your child to the dentist can be quite the production – or it can be simple and calm. A lot of how your child handles the dentist is determined early and by your own behavior. In our next two blogs, we will explore options for making the dentist a comfortable place for your child.

  1. Consider a pretend visit
    Depending on your child, a pretend visit to the dentist might be perfect. Pretend to be the dentist. Count your child’s teeth starting with the letter A or the number 1. Even better, hold up a mirror and let your child look at his/her teeth the way a dentist would. You probably should not make drilling sounds or indicate instruments.
    You can also get books about visiting the dentist from your library.
  2. Keep it simple
    This is especially important if it is your child’s first visit. Keep a positive attitude and tell your child what he/she needs to know and that’s it. Making general promises like everything is going to be okay. If you child ends up needing a treatment, he/she might lose faith in you and the dentist.
  3. Start young
    When your child’s first tooth becomes visible, it is time to start developing a comfortable home for him/her at the dentist. The earlier your child visits the dental office the better. This will prevent a lot of anxiety down the road.

Smilepoint Dental is proud to be Beaumont’s family dentistry. We love meeting your children and keeping their teeth healthy. Contact us today for an appointment with our child-friendly office!

Read Part 2.

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