Smile Point Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Healthy Halloween Tips for Kids – Part 2

At the Smilepoint Dental office in Beaumont, our experienced dentists love working with children. We are all aware of the approach of Halloween and the delight it gives children every year. In our last blog, we discussed a few tips for minimizing dental damage due to candy. Here are a few more:

Set up a brushing schedule

  • This one goes hand-in-hand with a tip from our last blog – to set up a treat schedule. Children need to brush their teeth after they eat candy. They should also brush their teeth before bed. Until your child is seven or eight, you should help with teeth brushing. After that, you are good to supervise. This includes kind reminders to older children to brush and floss.

Use disclosing tools

  • Disclosing tablets, solutions, and swabs are used to temporarily stain plaque and reveal how much has built up on the teeth. This tool can be very effective for kids because it makes everything so clear.

Make toothbrushing fun

  • It is proven that when children like toothbrushes, they are more likely to brush their teeth. You should replace toothbrushes every three to four months, so Halloween can be a great occasion for picking out a new toothbrush. Kids’ toothbrushes feature cartoons and colorful designs. Allowing your child to choose his/her favorite will make a huge difference.

You can also let your children choose toothpaste. Give them the freedom to pick the ones they want – just make sure the one they choose has fluoride.
Bonus Tip: Check your child’s toothbrush every so often. If it does not look worn, your child may not be using it often or well.

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