Smile Point Dental

860 S. 11th St Ste 101, Beaumont, TX 77701


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Dental Care During Pregnancy – Part 2

In our last blog, we gave tips for how to handle your dental health while you are pregnant. Being pregnant brings many physical changes, and the last thing you should have to worry about is your teeth. If you care for them well, you won’t have to be concerned.

Our last blog addressed pre-pregnancy and most of during-pregnancy. We have a few more tips for you today!

If you experience morning sickness

  • We understand that morning sickness can make brushing your teeth next to impossible. We recommend that you talk to us for bland toothpaste that will get the job done without making you feel worse.
  • If you suffer from frequent vomiting, keep rinsing your mouth out. The acid that comes up with the vomit is hard on your teeth, and rinsing it off greatly reduces any chances of damage being done.

Eating for yourself and your baby

  • Protect your teeth by avoiding sugary foods. We understand that you may often crave sweet things, so stick with healthy sugars like fruit as much as possible.
  • Your baby’s teeth start developing only three months into your pregnancy, so eat a healthy diet with dairy or another source of protein to ensure you baby has strong gums and teeth.

After your pregnancy

  • This is the time when you can get any gum problems you may have had during your pregnancy checked out. We recommend that you get checked out whether you had issues or not, just to be able to proceed with confidence.

Contact the world-class dentists at Smilepoint Dental today for an appointment!

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